Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Advent Event: 19 Days

Ok, this one is way late in the day, but here it is.

Tonight we went to see our first movie since having our little one (she will be 6 months old on Sunday!).  It is not that we haven't had a babysitter (believe me strangers tell us they would babysit her...yes, strangers...the answer is no); but more that there hasn't been anything enticing enough at the theater to make the effort.  But as a foodie, the enticement is always the food at the movies. 

Popcorn and coke...and a snicker bar...and maybe a few nachos...and maybe a few Sour Patch Kids...and...ooohh, that ice cream sounds good!

What is it about the movies that stirs up the junk food addict in me?  I have actually gone to the movies not because I wanted to see the movie, but because I wanted to sit in a dark room and eat popcorn ravenously and drink a MASSIVE coke whilst thinking no one can see me!

So today's advent calendar foodie treat: permission to let your junk food flag fly!

And the good thing is there are some great movies that come out around the holidays that are just ripe for food pairings.  Here is a sampling:

If only the theater sold a spot of tea and some crumpets to go along with this one.
Only candy at this one (Skittles, Snickers, and a sugar coma) to match the squeaky voices.  You should check out this preview, it made me laugh out loud a couple of times!
For this one, I think I will go to one of those theaters where you can order a meal...hamburger sounds good.
This one has popcorn and a coke written all over it...pure indulgence. But maybe I should have two more things to eat to match the title.
By the way, we went to see the new Muppets movie tonight and I actually enjoyed most of it.  It was a little tedious in parts, but overall an enjoyable flick.  But the popcorn and coke were the best.  Good date night!

What is your favorite food/drink combination at the movies?  Don't worry, I won't judge what you shove in your face whilst you think no one is watching.

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