Monday, August 31, 2009

Breakfast for Dinner

You know that part about "my husband's chagrin" in the summary above?  Well, Sunday nights are definitely in this catagory.  I recently created a "new tradition" in the Hudson household - Breakfast for dinner on Sunday evenings.  I know Drew would love for this not to be the case, because he is not so much for the breakfast foods; but I love to have breakfast.  Short of making breakfast for myself beyond the normal : cereal (hot or cold), coffee, maybe a muffin, I don't get to enjoy all the breakfast delicacies very often.  Thus a "new tradition" that I will do until I get tired of it or I can't find any more recipes that look appetizing.
Last night was Sausage-and-Scrambled Egg Pizza from the Southern Living Busy Mom's Weeknight Favorites cookbook.  Here's the rundown:

Takes less than 30 minutes.  Great flavors that can be modified based on mood (salsas, cheeses, etc.).  Short ingredient list of stuff you mostly should have on hand.  Throw some fruit on the side and it makes for a well balanced dinner.  Would have preferred to have orange juice, but because I am cheap and did not have a coupon, we didn't get any. Truly excited to have leftovers for breakfast for the next couple of days.

How's that for a first review.  Oh, wait - Drew liked it!  That is always the test of a meal in this house!

NOTE:  I am not sure what I need to do to avoid copyright infringement, so here's the publishing info for the cookbook: Southern Living Busy Mom's Weeknight Favorites, ed. Elizabeth Taliaferro, 2006, Oxmoor House. (Been a while since I did one of those - don't think its right, but you get the point)


cookingwithBecky said...

I am excited to leave you your first comment. It is about time that we (the public in general) can benefit from your tireless recipe testing. You are officially being added to my favorites page.
Thanks for sharing,

Curator D said...

Even though we have "Breakfast for Sunday" Sunday dinners - just a little redundant - doesn't mean that it's always bacon and eggs. So, yes, we don't have the same meal twice in a year or decade. But I thought this one was good. Like Leah said, you can always switch some of the toppings... I'm a sucker for Jalapeños....